Stop the Feast and Famine Cycle NOW!

Tired of chasing clients yet? If you’re a REALTOR stuck in the feast and famine cycle, this ones for you. The answer to your problem is personal branding. Chasing clients is exhausting but what if you could attract clients to you like a magnet? The dream, right?!? Below, I’m outlining the exact steps you can take to attract the right clients to you so you’ll never have to worry about where your next client will come from or when that next deposit will hit your bank account.

Clients on demand?!? Yes, please!

Develop a Clear Client Avatar

Stop saying you’ll work with anyone. That desperate energy will actually keep you from connecting to your ideal client. Think critically about the lifestyle you want to live and the clients you actually enjoy working with. What stage are they at in their life? What do they care about? How much money do they make? What do they enjoy doing for fun? What matters to them most in a home? Get clear on this person, name them and moving forward consider this person in all of your content creation and marketing. Does your message resonate with this person? It should.

Decide What You Want to be Known For

Double down on YOU! Your attitude, values, unique experiences and areas of expertise, all of these things contribute to who you are. And when you know who you are and who you want to be, it’s more likely that you’ll be excited to show up for yourself and your people. When I first started my business, I remember following a bunch of other coaches and they spoke more softly and slowly and were more gentle in their approach than I was. I remember trying to emulate them and dreading making a video or hosting an event because I was trying to be someone that I wasn’t.

When I got clear about who I was: a little gritty, a little in your face, a little “I told ya so”, I gave myself permission to be myself and that made showing up soooo much easier. Bonus: I started calling in people who also enjoyed my vibe so I never feel like I have to “act” when I’m with my clients. Decide to be unapologetically you.

Choose Your Marketing Outlets

Getting out of the feast and famine cycle is going to require focused efforts. Choose 1 online platform that you’ll commit to and 1 in person marketing strategy. For example, commit to posting to IG daily in your IG stories and 3x per week in your feed with your avatar in mind. Then choose to host quarterly events in your farm in addition to mailers. Don’t let shiny object syndrome get the best of you. Just because Brad is running FB ads and creating funnels doesn’t mean you have to.

Be Patient and Persistent

Think of your marketing efforts like going to the gym. You wouldn’t go pump some iron and expect to leave the gym looking like Arnold. It takes time and consistent effort. You’ve gotta put in the reps. Too many people give up after a month or two of not seeing obvious ROI. This is one of those “trust the process” kinda things. Typically, within 3-6 months you’ll see your first client come from your efforts and it’ll snowball after that.

Gather Data

There’s power in knowing your numbers. Pay attention to things like, how many DMs you’re receiving, how many people comment on your posts, how many consultations you’re setting up, how many of those consultations you actually convert. How long does it take from consultation to close? This is NOT an exhaustive list, there are so many numbers that can help you take the emotion out of calling in business and actually give you the power to make good decisions in your business. Pay attention.

In 2023, commit to focusing on speaking directly to your ideal client and building your personal brand. Being a secret agent or an agent without a plan isn’t getting you closer to your goals. Need support getting started? I’ve got you covered.

Find me on Instagram and Pinterest for more real estate branding and marketing tips!


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