Why You Need a Personal Brand in 2023

You’ve been trying to avoid thinking about your personal brand at all costs. I see you. Actually…I DON’T see you and that’s the problem.

Let me explain. You’ve got your logo as your profile pic and when I go to your website you’re nowhere to be found. It’s full of stock photos and your excuse is you still haven’t lost that pandemic 20 but truth be told, you just don’t think putting yourself out there is important…But you’re wrong.

In 2023, you can’t get away with not having a personal brand.

A Strong Personal Brand Helps You Stand Out

First, having a strong personal brand can help you stand out and make a positive impression on potential clients and partners. A personal brand can help you showcase your skills, experiences and unique qualities that can entice someone to want you and ONLY YOU! For example, my previous experience as an educator combined with my experience as a REALTOR uniquely positions me to plan and host workshops and courses (AKA lessons) for REALTORS. It’s a value add that could be missed if I didn’t have a strong personal brand.

Personal Branding Can Build a Professional Network

Second, a personal brand can help you build and maintain a professional network. You’ve heard many times before that you’re the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you’re only spending time with “broke” “struggling” REALTORS, you’re likely going to be a “broke” “struggling” REALTOR. If you’re clear on your personal brand and your unique value add, you’re likely to be a valuable asset to your professional community. That means when an opportunity arises, your network will think of you first.

Find me on Instagram and Pinterest for more real estate branding and marketing tips!

Personal Branding Establishes You as an Expert

Lastly, a personal brand will help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. When you consistently provide valuable content and information that’s in alignment with the personal brand you’re building, you’ll build trust and credibility with potential clients and partners which can help your business attract more opportunities…AKA more money!

Overall, having a personal brand is an important part of building a successful business in 2023. By developing a clear and unique personal brand, you’ll differentiate yourself from your competitors, build relationships, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

How to Start Building Your Personal Brand

To get started building your personal brand. Ask yourself these three questions:

1. Who am I? Think about yourself. What are your values? What are your past experiences that brought you here? What do you want to be known for?
2. Who do I serve? Think about who you enjoy working with. What are their values? What are their desires?
3. How do I serve them? Think about your unique approach to your work. What do you do differently? What do you do better?

Once you’ve done that, make sure all your social profiles are your face and DM me for next steps. I’ve got you!


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