5 Tips for Real Estate Agents Who Want to Crush 2023

Here are my top 5 recommendations for real estate agents who want to crush 2023 – no matter what market conditions may be. Let’s dive in.

Write Down your Goals

Write down your goals. How many transactions do you want to close? What's your sales volume goal? What's the price point you want to consistently sell at? How many listings do you want to acquire? How many agents do you want to add to your team? Writing your goals and looking at them regularly will keep you focused and give you a chance to reflect at regular intervals to see what you need to adjust to hit them.

Use a CRM

Start using that CRM you keep putting off. When I started taking my CRM seriously, I realized how much money I was leaving on the table simply because I failed to follow up. Out of sight, out of mind is real! When I set up a communication cadence and wrote notes about my interactions, I was able to nurture people over time and increase my conversion rate.

List Things You Keep Putting Off

Write a list of things you keep putting off in your business. (ie. posting to social media, creating video content, writing that newsletter, hosting events, using a CRM, updating your website, starting that podcast, creating print assets, getting a designation, joining that mastermind, etc.) Organize them into a list from most important to reaching your goals to least important. Once you do that, decide what's holding you back from completing the tasks. Do you need to delegate the task? Do you need to suck it up and do it yourself? Or do you need to ultimately delete that task from you list and move on? Getting clear on what's important and who will execute it, will make you feel more confident and in control.

Conduct a Systems Audit

Conduct a systems audit. Take a look at all of the systems you're currently using. Are they a good fit? Do they still make sense? Are there SOPs that need to be updated? Are there SOPs that need to be created? Now's the time to prepare for that big influx of business that's on its way to you. Having solid systems in place will keep you sane and help you be more present for your clients.

Conduct a Listening Tour

Conduct a listening tour. On this listening tour, your goal is to interview 15 people between now and the end of the year. On this listening tour, you're simply gonna listen. You can be completely transparent and tell people you're conducting a listening tour to gather information to help you be a better agent/colleague/friend. The point of a listening tour is to equip you with information so you can make informed decisions about how to best position yourself as a resource for your people. Listen to their thoughts, opinions, and concerns without judgment and without defensiveness. You can prepare a few questions and plan on talking to each person for about 20 minutes. I suggest you talk to your past clients, prospective clients, colleagues, friends, and family members.

Bonus Tip

If you're spending a lot of time with people who have a scarcity mindset and only see gloom and doom for the real estate industry...get yourself some new friends. I work with agents around the country, and although it's true the market has shifted there are plenty of agents who are still crushing it in their markets. Find them, be their friends. You've got this!

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